Άρθρα Συγγραφέα



dietitian and nutrition consultant

Kalyn’s Kitchen Creative Salad Recipes

Recipe for napa cabbage, red cabbage and peanuts from Kalyn’s Kitchen
Since it’s fruit and vegetables’ month with eating with colors and all, one smart and creative blog I love to get inspired from is Kalyn’s Kitchen, especially her exhaustive salad selection.
In her blog, salads are divided either with:

What’s It Like Gym-ing in Curves?

Curves is an international gym for women in which you can exercise for 30 minutes a day on both strength training & cardio machines. More people are talking about it around me so I decided to decipher this worldwide known gym!

Οι πολυβιταμίνες, αλλά όχι το κακάο, συνδέεται με την επιβράδυνση της γήρανσης του εγκεφάλου

Οι πολυβιταμίνες, αλλά όχι το κακάο, συνδέεται με την επιβράδυνση της γήρανσης του εγκεφάλου

Η ημερήσια πρόσληψη μιας πολυβιταμίνης για 3 χρόνια συνδέεται με επιβράδυνση της γνωστικής γήρανσης κατά 60%, με τις επιδράσεις να είναι ιδιαίτερα [...]

Έρευνα: Το φολικό οξύ στο επιτραπέζιο αλάτι προλαμβάνει γενετικές ανωμαλίες

Έρευνα: Το φολικό οξύ στο επιτραπέζιο αλάτι προλαμβάνει γενετικές ανωμαλίες

Eρευνητές απέδειξαν για πρώτη φορά σε μια επιτόπια μελέτη, ότι η χρήση ιωδιούχου επιτραπέζιου αλατιού ενισχυμένου με φολικό οξύ μπορεί να αποτρέψει [...]

Δισκοπλαστική | Δισκοπάθεια

Δισκοπλαστική | Δισκοπάθεια

Ο όρος δισκοπάθεια αναφέρεται σε μια μορφή βλάβης του μεσοσπονδύλιου δίσκου, η οποία μπορεί να προκύψει είτε ως κήλη μεσοσπονδύλιου δίσκου ή δισκοκήλη, [...]

Avoiding Constipation this Christmas!

Christmas is almost here -4 days to go, yes I am ‘countdown-ing’.
During the holidays, we are bombarded with deliciousness everywhere – I mean my mom and tetas make the most amazing food and resistance can get quite hard! Therefore, our dietary habits tend to change, often to the worse. We tend to ditch the water for alcohol and coffee as well as salads for more fat-drenching cuts and fries, ending our masterpiece with overdosing on that buche we’ve been putting our eyes on all night! Aaaand voila! Constipation.

So long story short, here’s how constipation can be avoided!

Kalyn’s Kitchen Creative Salad Recipes

Recipe for napa cabbage, red cabbage and peanuts from Kalyn’s Kitchen
Since it’s fruit and vegetables’ month with eating with colors and all, one smart and creative blog I love to get inspired from is Kalyn’s Kitchen, especially her exhaustive salad selection.
In her blog, salads are divided either with:

What’s It Like Gym-ing in Curves?

Curves is an international gym for women in which you can exercise for 30 minutes a day on both strength training & cardio machines. More people are talking about it around me so I decided to decipher this worldwide known gym!

Avoiding Constipation this Christmas!

Christmas is almost here -4 days to go, yes I am ‘countdown-ing’.
During the holidays, we are bombarded with deliciousness everywhere – I mean my mom and tetas make the most amazing food and resistance can get quite hard! Therefore, our dietary habits tend to change, often to the worse. We tend to ditch the water for alcohol and coffee as well as salads for more fat-drenching cuts and fries, ending our masterpiece with overdosing on that buche we’ve been putting our eyes on all night! Aaaand voila! Constipation.

So long story short, here’s how constipation can be avoided!